Org Admins can view the organization’s members by clicking on their profile photo in the top right then on Account.
Organization and Collection Roles
Your organization role can be a member or admin. Members can edit organization settings, view people in the organization, and collaborate on collections. Org Admins oversee an organization’s collections, manage roles, and is usually the primary contact at a company or the project manager. Only a small subset of users should have Org Admin privileges.
Collection role can be owner, moderator, contributor, or viewer. An Owner has full control over the collection. A Moderator can view the collection, add and edit content, manage milestones and series, and change settings but can’t delete the collection. A Contributor can view the collection, add and edit content, and delete their contributions. A Viewer can view the collection. Any user with access to a collection can follow it to receive update notifications.
Adding People to the Organization
Org admins can add people to the organization by clicking + Person.
Enter the email address of the person you want to add. Select their organization role, most likely member. Optionally, you can also add their name. Click Add to send an email with instructions. If they do not have an Enwoven account, a password will be autogenerated for them. Select Send me a confirmation email if you (not the person being added) would like to receive a confirmation email.
Viewing and Changing Roles
Org admins can view a member's role in the organization or in each collection by clicking on the down arrow (v) to the very right of a user’s row. They can change the member’s role by clicking on their current role next to the org name. Org admins have access to all non-private collections in the organization. This includes changing the collection roles of every org member.
Removing People from the Organization
Org admins can remove people from the organization by clicking the down arrow (v) to the very right of a user’s row. Then click Remove from Org and confirm by clicking Remove.
Export CSV
Org Admins can export signup data by clicking Export CSV and selecting the duration of interest. The downloaded file will contain a list of the users that have joined the organization in the last 7, 30, or 60 days or since all time.